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n0mad's picture
13/05/2011 21:00
13/05/2011 21:00
Challenge Details
World of Padman
Challenge Type: 
Competition / Ladder
Not Applicable

Well with0ut further ad0 it’s time f0r an0ther

World Of Padman IPX Tournament (WOPIT #2)

A best of 3 games will be played with both teams playing Capture the Lolly as teams..
The winning team of the 3 games will then face off with a game of Last Pad Standing…..

IPX Colours
Example of name Colour
/bind “8” name “NAME^7-^4I^7P^9X^7”

Game Overview –

Free Files (Windows) – both A & B files needed
STEP A – WOP Free Files (Windows)
WOP V1.5
File Size: 900MB

STEP B – WoP 1.5.1 hotfix (Windows/Linux)
File Size: 4.41MB
Note: Padman Default install Directory = C:\Program Files\Padworld Entertainment\World of Padman 1.5

Drop the console (Shift & Tilde Key) and type in

Round 1 – Friday 22/04/2011 at 9:00pm – CTL Map westernCTL – Winners 0f the First R0undTeam Earth Quake
Round 2 – Friday 29/04/2011 at 9:00pm – CTL Map padcloisterCTL – Winners 0f the Sec0und R0undTeam Earth Quake
Round 3 – Friday 06/05/2011 at 9:00pm – CTL Map journeyCTL – Winners 0f the Third R0undTeam Tsunami

Final – Friday 13/05/2011 at 9:00pm – Map Padasia – Last Pad Standing

Final Say
Chipper & n0mad have the final say on Teams and on who Wins…..

With all good IPX comps comes an Awsum/Grouse price
and the winner of WOPIT #2 will receive a Limited Edition BLUE IPX Jumper

Please add your availability below and Chipper & n0mad will pick the Teams…
Also we need to think of Team Blues Name and Teams Reds Name…

Any help setting up just call upon n0mad,Chipper,Fuzz or Robag to help, it would be great to get as many IPX as we can….

Team Earth Quake Team Tsunami
n0mad © Chipper ©
Bloodstorm Kazashi
Fuzz Kippa
Hashy Ltmon
Limpet Robag
Microman Silentshadow
Sha8doW ~
Team not playing Confirmed
Cheesy -
Crazy_As Nikki says she is out, soz
Deadite -
HarassmentPanda -
Kazozza -
Kerrien -
Killer -
Loganator NO
Mattatuide No
Milzy -
Sc0ut -
Spudinator No
StepUp oops sorry please count me out
Temperance me too sorry guys, just too much on at the moment :) count me out
WickFi5h -
Willow No


chipper's picture

new to WoP

For those new to the World of Padman get yourself set-up early and we will organise some quick walk throughs of game objectives, maps, weapons etc. Tuesday prac sessions will be a good time for this.

The game is easy to pick up but taking a few minutes to familiarise yourself is worth while.

Sha8doW's picture

On th iphone

Editing tables is impossible (it’s bad enough commenting)
Mark me down, I just can’t guaranteeavailability! But I’ll make every beat effort!
And you’ve done a great job nomad!

Ps I throw my support, seal of approval and quality assurance for the products on offer as prizes!

Sha8doW's picture

PS team names suggestion....

The Pink v the Stink…
Left hand v right hand…

Decisions decisions! Hahaha (I cant wait to gear commentary from niki, spud and deadite re those names!)

Microman's picture

Wont make the first game

He guys,

I wont be here for this first game, as I’ll be off at a party :-) End of term thing.



n0mad's picture

Round 1 - Team Earth Quake came 0ut 0nt0p

Firstly thanky0u t0 all IPX wh0 sh0wed up it was a 5 vs 5 game 0f Capture the Lolly and it had sum epic m0ments.

I was g0ing t0 d0 a c0mplete write up but the fun nature 0f Padman means unless y0u were there U missed 0ut…..
Cya’s all next Friday f0r R0und 2……

ThanX again t0 Robag f0r h0sting the Padman Server

Padman Server Details
Manuall Connect:
Drop c0ns0le and type: set password ######


chipper's picture


It was an impressive turnout; special thanks to the guys who hadn’t played the game previously.

The first round was a lot of fun with some pretty hectic and random moments! I think the second round will be more competitive now that everyone has a handle on what’s going on.

If you haven’t signed up but would like to join in on future rounds just let n0mad or myself know and will slot you in.

Bring on round 2!!

Fuzz's picture

Round Two

Out for round two unfortunately, got a dinner with family to attend. Hopefully can show up late.

Go Team Earthquake!


n0mad's picture

Round 2 - Team Earth Quake came 0ut 0nt0p

GG t0 all th0se wh0 sh0wed up and didn’t watch the Wedding

/me l00ks at Fuzz (Any excuse) and Shad

And the winners 0f r0und 2 again is Team Earth Quake
A great game was had by all and we had a sudden death r0und t0 get there…….

s0 that leaves r0und 3 f0r Team Tsunami t0 st0p the Team Earth Quake 0nslaught……..

Cya’s next Friday f0r r0und 3……..n0 wedding t0 st0p any 0f y0u next week….


n0mad's picture

Round 3 - Team Tsunami came 0ut 0nt0p

GG t0 all th0se wh0 c0uld make it……

Well what a night, 2 games clearly 1 by Team Tsunami but still the 2nd r0und f0rced a sudden death r0und
and yep al0t 0f us were tired after 2 h0urs 0f watching every0ne jump madly ar0und…..

s0 where 2 fr0m here I hear U asked….well…. the rules state The winning team of the 3 games and as Team Earth Quake were denied r0und 3 with a valiant win by Team Tsunami I see it 0nly fair that next Friday we play Last Pad Standing with the first player to DIE (IE l00se all 0f there 10 Lives) is 0ut and we keep playing until we have a winner……

s0 thats
Date & Time: Friday 13/05/2011 at 9:00pm
Game Type: Last Padman Standing

So we all l00k f0rward in seeing y0u next Friday f0r the Final 0f WOPIT#2
Wh0 Will B there ?
Wh0 Will Die ?
Wh0 Will make it thru the r0unds ?
Wh0 Will B the WOPIT#2 Champ ?
Wh0 Will Win the IPX Jumper ?

Well it c0uld B Y0u, B there next Friday f0r y0ur Chance 2 be cr0wned the WOPIT#2 Champi0n and Receive y0ur IPX Jumper……….

Padman Padman Padman

n0mad's picture

WOPIT#2 Final

The WOPIT#2 Final was 0ne by Silentshadow in a Five game Winning Streak with the first 4 eliminati0n r0unds played with 10 Lives then the last game agreed up0n between Ltmon & Silent t0 reduce the Lives d0wn t0 5 and played 0ut…..

The first r0und t0night saw Bloodstorm Bail0ut f0ll0wed by n0mad then Hashy. Kazashi had t0 leave and the Tournament was getting cl0se t0 the Finale….
Kippa f0ught t0 make it t0 the t0p 3 but was SPLASHED 0ut by Silent, this Left the final between LT & Silent and it had sum intense tactics were LT stuck with the tried and true SPLASHER meanwhile Silent mixed Weap0ns Up t0 be cr0wn the WOPIT#2 Champ….

0verall it was sum very cl0se Padman Games and every0ne had a chance t0 win the Limited Edition BLUE IPX Jumper playing a Map that many 0f us had never played 0r seen bef0re….

All the best Ingame Screensh0ts can be seen Here

s0 well d0wn t0 Silentshadow y0u were clearly 0n ya game t0night and keep an eye0ut f0r y0ur Prize in the mail, Wear It with Pride……

I w0uld like t0 take this 0pp0rtunity t0 thank again Chipper f0r getting me int0 Gear t0 run an0ther Team IPX Tournament
and I can’t thank Robag en0ugh f0r his c0ntinued IPX Server supp0rt, s0 U kn0w Robag I like 300 Gravity with 1500 Speed :P

Bel0w are sum ingame Screensh0ts 0f t0nights Final

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